Redemptive Stuff
Things we are doing in the community to reflect the redemption we've received.
Please contact the church office at (307) 332-6767 for more information or with redemptive ideas.
Elevation Women’s Healthcare
2420 Watt Ct. - Riverton, WY 82501 - 307 856-0999
This is a pregnancy resource center that provides material, spiritual, and emotional support to those touched by crisis pregnancies providing alternative options to abortion. Needs: Volunteers, basinettes manufactured by 11/2012, play pens, fall & winter clothing 4T and younger.
Backpack Food Ministry
Contact person: Anita Morneau at 332-2407
We work together with our school district and other churches to help provide food for needy families on the weekends. If you would like to donate peanut butter, please put it in the old kitchen. We meet during the school year.
Deacon Love Offering
Contact person: Church Office at (307) 332-6767
Money donated helps those in need in our church and community. Please label your separate check "Love Offering" and drop it in the regular offering plate any Sunday morning.
Food Pantry
We can provide meals for people who need some help. We are in need of quality breakfast, lunch, and dinner items with distant expiration dates. Please place donations in the box in the old kitchen.
I HEART Lander
This is a way that we reach out, help and encourage our community for the Glory of God.
Please share any ideas you have with us at